exterior of Celia's house

For the past five years I have lived at the Forest Grove Condominiums in Pacific Grove.

The moment I drive into my complex I feel totally relaxed – my smile brightens up my face and I am transported into a green, attractive space.  The gardening crew keeps the landscape as beautiful as a lovely park.  Some of the trees are the height of a 3 story building.  Additionally we have evergreens and oaks with moss hanging beautifully from them. The flowering trees and flowering bushes will begin to bloom in the spring. When there is rain, the crew cleans the debris as soon as they can get in off the rain.  The clippings are always put away in bins that are encased and locked. 

Will these consistent, and reliable crews be available in the months to come? Will they be deported? Who will consistently, and reliably take care of us?